There's no real point to this post, except to show how cute kittens and puppies are :)

Here are some pictures of the furry family when they were wee little babies. I apologize for the low picture quality. Most of these were taken with my phone back in 2008!
I still get this look from's his 'why did you wake me up? I was having a great snooze' look.
This picture just kills me. It's the ultimate kitten face!
He still sleeps like this. Actually, so do all of my pets....
She's barely the size of my shoe here.
So in this picture you can see her bum isn't too clean. We had just adopted her, and Scott was worried that she didn't have a toungue because she wouldn't clean herself. She just didn't know how at the time. It's funny because Zoe licks EVERYTHING. For the cat Scott thought didn't have a toungue, she licks everything she sees (she even tries to clean Scott's hair!)
One of Bailey's first walks :)
Nice pink leash!
Being a puppy can be very exhausting! Too much fun that day..
I miss them being so little!!! They grow up so fast :'(
As I've mentioned before, Rascal our cat seems to be more dog than he is a feline.
We've been buying Bailey some bones to munch on. She is notorious for burying them for later consumption, which is fine except for the fact that we live in a condo and there isn't any ground for her burry in. So naturally, she's chosen our bed sheets and pillows to act as a burial site for the treats.
A few nights ago, I crawled into bed, slide my hand under the pillow and pulled out a half-eaten bone. It is VERY funny when Bailey finds out that you've discovered where she hid something. She picks it up and frantically runs around the house trying to find another hiding place. I could never figure out why, as we don't have another dog that would eat the bone. Was I ever wrong! Turns out Rascal has a thing for dog bones, and eats them! And I don't just mean he licks the bone, I mean he chews on them. So that night after I tossed the bone from under my pillow and onto the floor, I was flabbergasted to see my cat pick it up and proceed to eat it. Unbelievable!

I figured no one would believe me, so I made sure to get some photographic evidence!

I also managed to get a quick video of the whole thing. As you can see, Bailey wasn't too impressed with Rascal's choice in food. Don't let the growl fool you, these two are the bestest buds!
My mother-in-law bought me something for Christmas that I had been secretly wishing for.....a Costco membership! Man- that place is huge. I strongly recommend going with a friend your first time out.
I was more than exciting to break in my new membership, and went to Costco as soon as I could. I thought it would be a good opportunity to pick up some toys for Bailey (like she needs them). Anywho, I found these cute little bears that have rope in them. This way, when the dog tears all the stuffing out (which Bailey would), they would still have something to play with.
Knowing my dog all too well, I decided to document the first few minutes of the bears being within Bailey's reach.
Bailey, meet the three bears. Three bears, meet your worst nightmare.
I like to call this "The Calm Before the Storm"
And she seperates one from the pack....
Literally two minutes later
Poor guy...probably never saw it coming
The remains. I feel like the only thing missing from this picture is some yellow crime scene tape...
Don't be sad. ALL of Bailey's toys look like this. She seems to prefer them with no stuffing, or eyes, or nose or ears. She has a basket of half chewed, completely un-stuffed toys that she loves more than life. That bear even survived a weekend at the camp.
I had to include this because I think it's hilarious. Rascal has this intense need to sleep in what I can only assume are the most uncomfortable places. While Bailey was 'playing' with the bear, I was attempting to take down the Christmas decorations (only took me two hours!!!). Like many out there, I wrestled with trying to get the tree back in the box. In the end, I just left it for Scott to figure out. Rascal however, saw this tree as the absolute BEST place to take a nap. Crazy, crazy cat that Rascal....